Pentair Aurora offers one of the broadest lines of listed fire protection solutions. Built to exacting industry and quality standards, our expertise ensures the best fit with each customer application. Pentair Aurora delivers performance, proven reliability and long-term durability.
A leader in global fire suppression, Aurora offers a full line of UL/FM fire pumps for commercial and industrial use. Whether a new building, small space, retrofit or foam/water mist application, Aurora provides an efficient, cost-effective solution.
Whether you need a pump for recirculating water within an HVAC loop, boosting water pressure for sinks, showers and landscaping, dewatering of construction sites or for delivery of water for golf courses, water parks, and fountains, Aurora regularly satisfies.

With a history spanning more than 100 years, Pentair Fairbanks Nijhuis provides a comprehensive portfolio of configured and custom-engineered pumps and turbine solutions. Our depth of hydraulic expertise, innovative products and professional service reliably meet the growing global demand.
Fairbanks Nijhuis offers a full line of UL/FM fire pumps for commercial and industrial use. Whether a new building, small space, retrofit or foam/water mist application, Fairbanks Nijhuis provides an efficient, cost-effective solution.
Fairbanks Nijhuis provides vertical turbine, mixed flow and axial flow pumps for fresh water, as well as solids handling, submersible solids handling, vertical turbine solids handling and vortex pumps for sewage and wastewater removal.
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